This research and exhibition were realized thanks to the wholehearted support of several institutions through the following projects and scholarships:
Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka
Almae Matris Alumni Croaticae UK – United Kingdom Association of Alumni and Friends of Croatian Universities
Paolo Veneziano from Krk in the Victoria and Albert Museum: Artwork Under the Microscope (2015/2016)
Francis Haskell Memorial Fund
Silk Patronage in the Late Medieval Adriatic (2023)
Laboratoire HiSoMA, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée / Université Lumière Lyon 2
Liens bénédictins entre l’Archidiocèse de Lyon et la Dalmatie : Jean de Oncieu, abbé du Monastère Saint-Chrysogone de Zadar (2023)
University of Rijeka
OPUS VENETUM: Mapping of the 14th Century Venetian Embroidery (2021)
OPUS VENETUM: Application of Modern Digital Tools and Analysis Methods of Historical Textile on Examples of Venetian Embroidery of the 14th Century (2023)
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Foundation
Venetian Silks for Frankopan Churches: Microscopic Imaging and Analysis of Fragments of Opus Venetum From the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2022)
We would like to thank the following institutions and individuals for their help in the research and realization of the exhibition:
Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka
Almae Matris Alumni Croaticae UK – Association of Alumni and Friends of Croatian Universities in the United Kingdom
Francis Haskell Memorial Fund
Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia
Croatian Conservation Institute
Diocese of Krk
Laboratoire HiSoMA, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée /
Université Lumière Lyon 2
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Ministry of Culture and Media, Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Conservation Department in Split
Ministry of Culture and Media, Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Conservation Department in Trogir
Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
Treasury of Split Cathedral
Archdiocese of Split-Makarska
Permanent Exhibition of Sacred Art, Zadar
University of Rijeka
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Archdiocese of Zadar
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Foundation
Treasury of the Cathedral of St Lawrence, Trogir
Treasury of the Cathedral of Parish Church of St Stephen, Dobrinj
Sandra Belas
Dr. Franco Benucci
Karla Belančić
Dr. Marijan Bradanović
Dr. Sébastien Bully
Branko Ciković
Dr. Donal Cooper
Dr. Ivana Čapeta Rakić
Dr. Morana Čaušević-Bully
R. m. Anastazija Čizmin
Iva Čukman
Elisa de Concini
Branka Dekanić Srenge
Dr. Ljerka Dulibić
Dr. Pasquale Francesco Antonino Giambo’
Dr. Stéphane Gioanni
Jelena Grabovac
Peco Grujovski
Dr. Marie-Céline Isaia
Dr. Ana Jordan Knežević
Don Dinko Justinić
Andrea Klobučar
Mateo Miguel Kodrič Kesovia
Dr. Ozren Kosanović
Dr. don Slavko Kovačić
Dr. Dean Krmac
Maja Lazarević Branišelj
Dr. Đurđina Lakošeljac
Dr. Letricija Linardić
Sandra Lucić Vujičić
Sonja Lukin
Vlatka Makovec
Mira Malović-Yeeles
Dr. Matko Matija Marušić
Dr. Ana Munk
Dr. Jadranka Neralić
Dr. Elvis Orbanić
Dr. Dubravka Preradović
Milena Rogić
Dr. Maria Alessia Rossi
Don Vinko Sanader
Mons. Zvonimir Seršić
Sarah Isabelle Sharpe
Dr. don Mario Soljačić
Dr. Alice Isabella Sullivan
Dr. Ana Šitina
Radoslav Tomić, F.C.A.
Hrvoje Urumović
Dr. don Franjo Velčić
Ana Vukas Belas
Ruiha Webster
Anamarija Žic